
Paragraph 1: Denomination and Objectives of the Society 

Article 1
The European Vasculitis Society (EUVAS) was founded with the objective of uniting vasculitis researchers and clinicians, promoting the study and treatment of vasculitis. The official language of the society is English.

Article 2
EUVAS is a non-political and non-profit society and pursues the following objectives:
1) to further the scientific development in the field of vasculitis;
2) to widen the knowledge and to assess the practical implementation of technical and scientific developments in this field;
3) to encourage the development of the discipline in regard to prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of vasculitis patients of any age;
4) to encourage continuing education of vasculitis researchers and clinicians through the organization of conventions, meetings, courses and workshops.

EUVAS shall not pursue economic purposes for itself but will support and co-ordinate research and other activities related to vasculitis. EUVAS will not be directly responsible for the financial management of specific research projects. Funds administered by EUVAS will be used in accordance with the EUVAS constitution and the purpose of the funds.

Article 3
EUVAS has its official headquarters in Europe.

Paragraph 2: Membership 

Article 4
The society consists of Ordinary Members and Associate Members. Membership is subject to approval by the Presidential Council after written application .

Article 5
Researchers or clinicians, European as well as non-European, with specific interest in the field of vasculitis may become Ordinary Members. Ordinary Members have the right to vote in the General Assembly and be elected to the Presidential Council.

Article 6
Institutions and individuals sharing an interest in vasculitis may become Associate Members. Associate Members have no right to vote or be elected.

Article 7
Membership fees are decided by the General Assembly every year for the following year. Membership may be free for Ordinary Members. Fees may differ between specified groups of members.

Article 8
Membership is lost by resignation or by revocation.

Paragraph 3: The General Assembly 

Article 9
The General Assembly must take place every year by invitation of the President. An Extraordinary General Assembly may be called by the President or by the Presidential Council or by request of one fifth of the Ordinary Members. The Assembly is considered regularly convened at its first meeting if at least one fifth of its members are present, and at subsequent meetings regardless of their number. Each participant may represent upon presentation of a signed authorization, only one other member.

Article 10
The agenda of the General Assembly must be delivered to all members one month before the meeting. Any Ordinary Member may request items to be added to the agenda. Agenda items of the Ordinary General Assembly include:
a) President’s statement concerning the status of the society;
b) Secretary’s report;
c) Treasurer’s report;
d) Elections of the Presidential Council;
e) Election of an Auditor
f) Vote on previous year’s accounts
g) Vote on next year’s budget
h) Proposals, discussions and choices about coming scientific activities.

Paragraph 4: The Presidential Council 

Article 11

EUVAS is administered by the Presidential Council constituted by a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and one ordinary member. The majority of the council should be comprised of European members.

Article 12
The Presidential Council undertakes to administer the society in a reliable and straightforward manner. Candidates for positions in the Presidential Council are proposed by the Presidential Council and are elected at the General Assembly by simple majority.

Article 13
The President and Vice-President hold office for two years, both with the possibility of re-election. The Secretary and the Treasurer hold office for four years and can be re-elected.

Article 14
The Presidential Council is supported by the Scientific Council.

Article 15
The Presidential Council meets at least once a year, and:
a) promotes the necessary activities to pursue the Society’s objectives and supervises all society activities;
b) discusses and approves the budget to be presented to the General Assembly by the Treasurer;
c) proposes to the President the subjects added to the General and Extra-Ordinary Assemblys’ work agenda;
d) examines and proposes additional activities like workshops and so on;
e) assists the President in choosing the site, duration, and organization of the assembly;
f) proposes the names of members to be candidates for administrative positions.

Paragraph 5: The President

Article 16
The President has the legal responsibility for the Society.
The President:
a) maintains relationships with other associations;
b) is responsible for keeping contact with public administrative, cultural and industrial institutions and private individuals;
c) calls meetings of the Presidential Council, the Scientific Council and the General Assembly;
d) heads the Presidential Council and the General Assembly;
e) communicates the proposals of the Presidential Council to the Assembly and, if requested, submits them to Assembly for approval;
f) prepares the agenda of the General Assembly upon consultation of the Presidential Council and the Scientific Council;
g) proposes, upon consultation with the Presidential Council and the Scientific Council, the site of the Assembly;
h) if unable to perform the above-mentioned functions, he may ask the Vice-President to deputise.

Paragraph 7: The Treasurer, the Secretary and the Auditors

Article 17
The Treasurer:
a) is in charge of the economic and financial administration of EUVAS;
b) is responsible for correct accounting and must present approved annual accounts to the General Assembly;
c) prepares the yearly budget to be presented to the General Assembly.

Article 18

An Auditor will review the annual accounts and recommend their approval or rejection to the General Assembly. The auditor may not be a member of EUVAS. The Auditor holds office for four years and may be re-elected.

Article 19
The Secretary:
a) is responsible for the internal and external distribution of information;
b) prepares the reports of the Presidential Council meetings and of the General Assembly, and forwards the copies to the society’s members.

Paragraph 8: The Scientific Council 

Article 20
a) Councillors are outstanding vasculitis researchers.
b) They have to give advice and proposals to the Presidential Council about the scientific meetings and topics.
c) They are nominated by the Presidential Council for 4 years.
d) The Scientific Council is headed by the President or the Vice-President.

Paragraph 9: The General Assembly and the International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop 

Article 21
The General Assembly is held in connection with the International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop if possible.

Article 22
The Presidential Council in collaboration with relevant international vasculitis organisations can advise on the site and date of the International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop.

Article 23
The organization of the International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop is under the organiser’s responsibility.

Paragraph 10: The Constitution 

Article 24
The present constitution may be modified only by the General Assembly. Detailed proposals of changes must be cited on the agenda and sent to all Ordinary Members at least one month before the General Assembly.

Paragraph 11: The Dissolution of the Society 

Article 25
The dissolution of EUVAS must be agreed by at least by two thirds of the Ordinary Members during an Extra-Ordinary Assembly. It must be preceeded by a special invitation to all members indicating explicitly the purpose of this Assembly.

Article 26
In case of the dissolution of the society, the funds, property and other assets should be used for the purpose of furthering the expressed purposes for which this society was formed and no member should be entitled to receive any of the assets on liquidation.

This Constitution was accepted by the founding members at their meeting on 15 May 2011.

EUVAS secretariat and clinical trials administration:

Vasculitis & Lupus Research Group
Department of Medicine
Level 5, Box 157
Addenbrookes Hospital
Cambridge CB2 0QQ
United Kingdom


T: +44 (0)1223 748062

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